Tuesday 3 May at 7.30 pm
at The Wanstead Tap

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Tickets £5
from Newham Bookshop
or The Wanstead Tap

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The proceeds of ticket sales
will be donated to
Médecins Sans Frontières.

Youssef El-Gingihy

Youssef El-Gingihy
How to Dismantle the NHS
in 10 Easy Steps

How to Dismantle the NHS in 10 Easy Steps

Dr Youssef El-Gingihy tells the story of how the NHS has been gradually converted into a market-based healthcare system over the past 25 years. This process accelerated under the Coalition government and the very existence of a National Health Service is in danger. He fears that there will not be an NHS as our generation grows old and certainly not for our children. Yet the British public remains largely unaware of this and the media, with few exceptions, has failed in its duty to inform them.

The NHS is being broken up into an universal insurance system based on the American model. This book matters to all who use the NHS or are concerned by the privatisation of public services and the dismantling of equitable healthcare and welfare. If you want to understand the real story behind the headlines and find out how you can preserve the NHS for the future then this book is essential reading.

Youssef El-Gingihy is a GP working in Tower Hamlets. He studied medicine, neuroscience and English literature at Oxford University and completed his clinical studies at Guy’s, King’s and St Thomas’ in London. He has been working in the NHS since 2006.

How to Dismantle the NHS in 10 Easy Steps is published in paperback by Zero Books at £7.99.

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Family lessons for
Writing and Reading Newham
available here

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Interested in learning more about Newham Bookshop and some of the people connected with it? We have four lessons for classroom or family use developed from On the Record’s oral history project centered around Newham Bookshop, Writing and Reading Newham. Click here for full details.

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Newham Bookshop is LoveReading’s
Bookshop of the Month

We are proud that Newham Bookshop is LoveReading’s Bookshop of the Month. The article features a Q&A with Vivian Archer, which you can read here.

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